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Constipation and children

Dealing with constipation.

I had my own struggles with one of my children troubled by constipation, hard stools, and inability to pass a motion.  Too scared to go to the loo.  it can end up being a struggle that goes on for months.

Solution given by doctors is laxatives.  Usually unpleasant sweet tasting lactulose.

I wish I had known about Bowen therapy for my child.  

A better solution

I have had the pleasure of helping a 3 year old girl.  She likes coming and seeing the soft toys, especially the puppet mouse.  She eagerly hops on to the massage table.  Mum had been giving her lactulose for a few months already, and her daughters bowel movements were still hard and only every 2-3 days.  The little girls tummy was bloated, she was off her food.  Yesterday I saw the little girl and her mum again.  Bowel motions have become more regular, and Mum is not giving her lactulose as often, and she is eating properly again.   On assessing her at her 4th appointment, her tummy was flat, and no longer bloated.  Standing her left hip was elevated and sitting it was level. Lying down she had uneven leg length. I chose to do the work up for the pelvic procedure.  This would help her hips balance, but also have a further effect on the bowels.  Following the pelvic procedure protocol I checked her leg length and this had evened up.  I checked for any irritation through the spine that would impede organ, muscle function, and nerve function, and this showed no irritation or drag which would be displayed by uneven leg length assessment.  So I knew no further work was needed.

Using Bowen therapy, and trained to Specialised procedures 2 level, I was able to uterlise the protocols for helping bowel motility in a more specific way on the 2nd and 3rd treatment.

Reduction in abdominal bloating was visible after each session. With the way I use Bowen therapy to help clients, I am able to see changes in body balance, structural alignment and softening in muscles and tissues.  My various avenues that I have uterlised to gain more skill, aid me in being specific in what muscles, ligaments and nerve responses I need to activate or help subdue to help improve function in various areas.

Young children charge is $40.  Usually 1/2hr session is all that is needed.  3-4 sessions are usually needed.  Double bookings = $100.  Individual adult sessions $75.  

I am not able to be ACC registered as Bowen Therapy is not recognised.  Bowen Therapy New Zealand is working to change this, but it is a long road.



Contact Louise.

24 Arataki Road.  A home clinic with a relaxing space.  Flexible hours to help fit your life.