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Bowen Therapy


What is The Bowen Technique

September 6, 2023
What is the Bowen Technique?The Original Bowen Technique (also known as Bowtech and Bowenwork) is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that was developed by the late Tom Bowen in Geelong, Australia. Sometimes called the homeopathy of bodywork, it utilizes...
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August 15, 2023

Innovations in recovery of concussion

USA, England and Canada are ahead of the game when it comes to gaining great results in a shorter period of time.  Bowen Therapists have been uterlizing the Bowen technique concussion protocol for many years now in these places.The typical adverse result of concussion&n...
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Improving physical and mental wellbeing

Bowen Therapy helps people of all ages.  When it comes to our teenagers, the rewards of the therapy can be numerous.  With the stress of study, staying alert is important.  With long hours spent in front of a device the neck and back can feel strain.  Sle...
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Dealing with constipation.

I had my own struggles with one of my children troubled by constipation, hard stools, and inability to pass a motion.  Too scared to go to the loo.  it can end up being a struggle that goes on for months.Solution given by doctors is laxatives.  Usually unpleas...
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Bowen Therapy Havelock North

November 24, 2022

Back Pain

July 28, 2022
Back pain is the leading cause of days off work.  Taking pain killers to help keep moving or help you sleep, is like a temporary band aid.  Not reviewing what has happened to your body over time that has you in this way will be compounding the problem and creating ...
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