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Bowen Therapy Havelock North

Bowen Therapy Havelock North.  The Bowen Technique.  Thank you Tom Bowen for creating this technique where acupuncture had an influence and for Ossie and Elaine Rentch  who studied what Tom did put training courses together and took it to the world.  Thankyou to my first teacher Julian Baker who was an English Chef who while visiting Australia was encouraged to see a Bowen Therapist for his Back Pain.  He Thought it was complete bollocks until he woke the next day and his pain was completely gone, and decided he needed to learn the technique.  I am greatful for Julian Baker teaching me in 2008-2010 to become qualified.  But I must say that to my delight my practice has made leaps and bounds as I strived to learn more from teachers around the world.  I see more, I feel more what is happening under the skin and it excites me to see the change happen right in front of my eyes.  The Bowen Technique is truely unique and effective in helping individuals recover from stubborn aches and pains.

Bowen Therapy Havelock North Freedom to Move is easy to find at the top of Russell Robertson .  A neighbor stopped and chatted while I was busy in my garden and asked if I could help her fibromyalgia and severe stiffness in her shoulder.  She was astonished at how in just one session her movement had improved and her symptoms lessoned, and so was I.  I help people of all ages suffering from limited mobility & activity, or the frustration and despair of chronic pain issues; or constipation, digestion, circulation, or altered sensations.  Sometimes it takes til the 2nd or 3rd session to notice a real difference.

"This Bowen Therapy thing with small moves that creates so much shift in the body is Fricken awesome"  That was a recent remark by someone who had struggled to move. 

I came across The Bowen Technique while working as a nurse in England in 2008.  I did not have any issues with movement or pain, but I saw many that did in my nursing, and I had a deep need to learn something to prevent people popping so many pain pills and I hated seeing people struggle.

Bowen Therapy Havelock North with Louise.  Seeing clients in New Zealand since 2015.

 I qualified in 2010 and first practiced in Dubai, before returning to New Zealand in 2015.  The journey has been amazing.  Sometimes I considered my progress slow, but that enabled me time to become what I am today. There are many highly experienced practitioners around the world that I connect with to gain the newest insights into the therapy. I am Registered as a Bowen Therapist in New Zealand and sit on the executive committee of Bowen Therapy New Zealand. 


  • Mind Body Bowen May 2023 Margaret Spicer in Nelson

  • Importance of Symmetry and Bowen Therapy August 5-7 2022 Sydney. Teacher Graham Pennlington

  • Body Decoding assessment course with Physiotherapist and Bowen Teacher from Bulgaria January 2022 and October 2023 in Hamilton.

  • Bowtech Specialised Procedures 2,  2021

  • Registered Bowen Therapy Practitioner since 2012. 

  • Registered with Bowen Therapy New Zealand.

  • Bowen Therapy trained and maintaining current practice through Bowtech in New Zealand.

  • Originally trained in England with European college of Bowen Studies with Julian Baker.

  • PIDDDS - full body alignment therapy trained in Dubai with Jose Garbe-Villijn 2012.

Alignment Therapy that involves massage and soft tissue release on movement.  This has given me an even better insight how to treat clients with the Bowen Therapy.

  • Smart Bowen course 2013

  • Massage course 2007

  • Practicing Registered Nurse since 1995 

My hands apply the technique, the body responds and does the rest.

Louise Parkin - Freedom to Move

My hands apply the technique, the body responds and does the rest. - Louise Parkin - Freedom to Move

Bowen Therapy - for shoulders, neck and back pain.

 Bowen Therapy - to improve sport performance and injury recovery.

Bowen Therapy - for anxiety, insomnia, migraines, hayfever and more.